As the most prominent facial feature, the nose carries an increased risk of traumatic injury. Nasal fracture is the most common bone injury of the adult face and frequently results from motor vehicle accidents, sports-related injuries, and altercations. Although often initially considered minor, nasal fracture may eventually result in significant cosmetic or functional defects. Optimal management of nasal trauma in the acute setting is critical in minimizing secondary nasal deformities. In recent years, numerous guidelines have been described to refine and optimize acute nasal trauma management. However, restoration of pretraumatic form and function remains a challenge. Commonly the product of a poorly addressed underlying structural injury, posttraumatic nasal deformity requiring subsequent rhinoplasty or septorhinoplasty remains in as many as 50 percent of cases. In this article, the authors review the anatomic, diagnostic, and management considerations as well as discuss their own experience in approaching nasal trauma and the deviated nose.