Articles you may be interested in σ* resonances in electron impactinduced vibrational excitation of npropane, cyclopropane, ethylene oxide, cyclopentane, and cyclohexaneThe rotationally resolved infrared band of the antisymmetric stretching vibration ͑ 3 ͒ of N 4 ϩ has been recorded by tunable diode laser spectroscopy. A continuous supersonic expansion of pure nitrogen through a slit nozzle and electron impact ionization was employed. Forty-four P and R branch transitions with J up to 25 are observed. The band origin is at 0 ϭ2234.5084͑4͒ cm Ϫ1 and the rotational constants are determined to be B 0 ϭ0.112 05͑3͒ cm Ϫ1 and B 1 ϭ0.111 76͑3͒ cm Ϫ1 . The infrared spectrum shows that N 4 ϩ has a linear ground state structure.