We have obtained high-resolution spectra of hyperfine transitions in an excited state ( ] D 2 ) of Pr 3+ :YA10 3 using a novel four-wave-mixing technique. Subkilohertz resolution is obtained. The hyperfine transition line shapes are determined unambiguously, revealing an interesting effect of mutual-flip interaction between the \m = ± j ) hyperfine states of the Pr ions and the host nuclear spins. The necessary conditions for obtaining laser-jitter-independent resolution in inhomogeneously broadened samples are discussed. PACS numbers: 42.65.Ft, 07.65.Eh, 42.70.Fh, 78.50.Ec Obtaining higher frequency resolution is one of the central goals of spectroscopy, and tremendous effort has gone into the development of stable, narrow-bandwidth light sources to achieve this goal. In many spectroscopic studies, however, it is the relative, not the absolute, frequency resolution that matters, as, for example, in the measurement of hyperfine structures within electronic levels. In such studies, a stable, narrow-bandwidth laser is only an advantage, not a necessity. In fact, it is known that in some multiwave-mixing spectroscopies, under certain conditions, the relative frequency resolution can be totally independent of laser frequency jitter (fluctuation) [1-4].One example is near-degenerate four-wave-mixing (FWM) spectroscopy. It has been demonstrated that if all three excitation fields in FWM are from a single laser (and thus phase correlated) and the medium's absorption width is broader than the laser width, resonances much narrower than the laser width [2-4] can be obtained. Superficially, the condition that the absorption be broader than the laser width is only to ensure that the laser always resonantly interacts with the medium. More subtly, it also ensures that the medium's response time is shorter than the phase-correlation time of the laser, so that the polarizations in the medium follow the phase fluctuation of the excitation fields instantaneously. Only then can the phase noise of the laser be completely canceled out. This is the scenario for homogeneously broadened media. With inhomogeneous broadened media, however, the response time is given by the phase memory time (optical dephasing time 7^), which in many low-temperature solids can be significantly longer than the phasecorrelation time of commercial cw lasers (0.1 ms vs 1 //s). In this case, the polarizations in the medium cannot follow the phase fluctuation of the excitation fields instantaneously. As a result, the FWM spectrum is no longer independent of laser jitter. On the other hand, the hyperfine transition dephasing time in a solid is usually correlated to the optical dephasing time [5]. To obtain sharp hyperfine resonances, one is confined to samples with a large 7*2. This dilemma is thus a serious obstacle to general application of the FWM technique.We present here a study of hyperfine structures of a , £>2 level in a crystalline system of Pr 3_h :YA103 using a novel time-resolved FWM spectroscopy. We show that jitter-free resolution can be achieved ...