Context:The knowledge about the presence of accessory renal arteries is of great importance to surgeons, especially those who perform kidney transplants.Objective: To report the finding of double bilateral renal artery case in human fetus.Case Report: Duplicity of the renal artery was found in a male fetus. The right kidney received two renal arteries, one superior, measuring 6,68 mm, and other inferior with 5,85 mm, both steered parallel and bifurcated before penetrating the renal hilum. Likewise, the left kidney received two renal arteries, one superior, measuring 4,16 mm and other left with 9,93 mm, the superior being the only one that bifurcarted itself before penetrating the renal hilum.
Conclusion:The current finding of accessory renal arteries represents collaboration not just for anatomists, but also with considerable significance to urological surgeons.