We study the quantization errors for the doubling probability measures µ which are supported on a class of Moran sets E ⊂ R q . For each n ≥ 1, let αn be an arbitrary n-optimal set for µ of order r and {Pa(αn)}a∈α n an arbitrary Voronoi partition with respect to αn. We denote by Ia(αn, µ) the integral Pa (αn) d(x, a) r dµ(x) and define J(αn, µ) := min a∈αn Ia(αn, µ), J(αn, µ) := max a∈αn Ia(αn, µ). Let en,r(µ) denote the nth quantization error for µ of order r. Assuming a version of the open set condition for E, we prove that J(αn, µ), J(αn, µ) ≍ 1 n e r n,r (µ).This result shows that, for the doubling measures on Moran sets E, a weak version of Gersho's conjecture holds.2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 28A80, 28A78; Secondary 94A15.