Wheat protein composition is important for understanding the biochemical basis of wheat quality. The objective of this study was to design a simple protein fractionation protocol with low crosscontamination and to show that these protein fractions were associated with wheat quality. The protocol consists of three sequential extractions from 100 mg of flour with 7.5% propan-1-ol and 0.3 M sodium iodide (monomeric-rich protein), 50% propan-1-ol (soluble glutenin-rich protein) and 40% propan-1-ol and 0.2% dithiothreitol (insoluble glutenin-rich protein). Nitrogen content of protein solubility groups was determined from dry residues using an automated combustion nitrogen analyser. About 90% of the total protein in the flour was solubilised. Cross-contamination of protein fractions was evaluated by SDS-PAGE, SE-HPLC and RP-HPLC. Variation in nitrogen content of the protein solubility fractions was lowest for monomeric-rich protein (<2%) and insoluble glutenin-rich protein (<4%). Three wheats with similar high-molecular-weight (HMW) glutenin subunit composition, Alpha 16, Glenlea and Roblin, varied significantly (P ≤ 0.05) in the proportion of monomeric-rich and insoluble glutenin-rich protein in the flour. Dough rheological properties were directly related to the proportion of insoluble glutenin-rich protein and inversely related to the proportion of monomeric-rich protein. The protocol was validated using an expanded set of 11 wheats which also showed that inter-cultivar differences in the proportion of monomeric-rich, insoluble glutenin-rich protein and glutenin-to-gliadin ratio in the flour governed dough rheological properties such as mixograph, farinograph and microextension tests. The protocol has merit for quality screening in wheat-breeding programmes when the sample size is too small or when time constraints limit the ability to perform traditional rheological tests. For the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food, Government of Canada, Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada