Most of the genes induced by hypoxia are regulated by a family of transcription factors termed hypoxia-inducible factors (HIF). Under normoxic conditions, HIF␣proteins are very unstable due to hydroxylation by a recently described family of proline hydroxylases termed EGL-Nine homologs (EGLN). Upon hydroxylation, HIF␣ is recognized by the product of the tumor suppressor vhl and targeted for proteosomal degradation. Since EGLNs require oxygen to catalize HIF hydroxylation, this reaction does not efficiently occur under low oxygen tension. Thus, under hypoxia, HIF␣ escapes from degradation and transcribes target genes. The mRNA levels of two of the three EGLNs described to date are induced by hypoxia, suggesting that they might be novel HIF target genes; however, no proof for this hypothesis has been reported. Here we show that the induction of EGLN1 and -3 by hypoxia is found in a wide range of cell types. The basal levels of EGLN3 are always well below those of EGLN1 and EGLN2, and its induction by hypoxia is larger than that found for EGLN1. The inhibitor of transcription, actinomycin D, prevents the increase of EGLN3 mRNA induced by hypoxia, indicating that it is due to enhanced gene expression. Interestingly, EGLN1 and EGLN3 mRNAs were also triggered by EGLN inhibitors, suggesting the involvement of HIF␣ in the control of its transcription. In agreement with this possibility, pVHL-deficient cell lines, which present high HIF activity under normoxia, also showed dramatically increased normoxic levels of EGLN3. Moreover, the overexpression of an oxygen-insensitive mutant form of HIF␣ resulted in increased normoxic levels of EGLN3 mRNA. Finally, hypoxic induction of EGLNs was not observed in cells lacking functional HIF␣.Mammalian cells are critically dependent on oxygen for survival; thus, it is not surprising that an evolutionarily conserved machinery able to sense oxygen levels is present in almost every cell type studied. The activity of a variety of signaling molecules has been found to be altered in response to changes in oxygen tension, including ion channels (1), kinases (2-7), and transcription factors (2, 8 -13). Among them, the most common and best understood response is the activation of a group of basic helix-loop-helix-Per/Aryl hydrocarbon receptor translocator/Sim domain transcription factors, called hypoxiainducible factors (HIF) 1 (14). In fact, HIF is responsible for the induction of the vast majority of genes up-regulated in response to decreased oxygen tension. HIF transcription factors are heterodimers of a constitutively expressed  subunit (HIF-; also known as the aryl hydrocarbon receptor translocator) and an oxygen-regulated ␣ subunit (HIF-␣). Although there are three types of ␣ subunits, HIF-1␣, HIF-2␣ (also known as the endothelial Per/Aryl hydrocarbon receptor translocator/Sim domain), and HIF-3␣, encoded by different genes, it is currently accepted that they are regulated in a similar fashion by oxygen availability. The expression of HIF and ␣ subunits genes, their mRNA stability, ...