Integrating deep learning techniques into the video coding framework gains significant improvement compared to the standard compression techniques, especially applying superresolution (up-sampling) to down-sampling based video coding as post-processing. However, besides up-sampling degradation, the various artifacts brought from compression make superresolution problem more difficult to solve. The straightforward solution is to integrate the artifact removal techniques before super-resolution. However, some helpful features may be removed together, degrading the super-resolution performance. To address this problem, we proposed an end-to-end restorationreconstruction deep neural network (RR-DnCNN) using the degradation-aware technique, which entirely solves degradation from compression and sub-sampling. Besides, we proved that the compression degradation produced by Random Access configuration is rich enough to cover other degradation types, such as Low Delay P and All Intra, for training. Since the straightforward network RR-DnCNN with many layers as a chain has poor learning capability suffering from the gradient vanishing problem, we redesign the network architecture to let reconstruction leverages the captured features from restoration using up-sampling skip connections. Our novel architecture is called restorationreconstruction u-shaped deep neural network (RR-DnCNN v2.0). As a result, our RR-DnCNN v2.0 outperforms the previous works and can attain 17.02% BD-rate reduction on UHD resolution for all-intra anchored by the standard H.