Abstract. In the paradigm of Internet of Things (IoT), sensors, actuators and smart devices are connected to the Internet. Application providers utilize the connectivity of these devices with novel approaches involving cloud computing. Some applications require in depth analysis of the interaction between IoT devices and clouds. Research in this area is facing questions like how we should govern such large cohort of devices, which may easily go up often to tens of thousands. In this chapter we investigate IoT Cloud use cases, and derive a general IoT use case. Distributed systems simulators could help in such analysis, but they are problematic to apply in this newly emerging domain, since most of them are either too detailed, or not extensible enough to support the to be modelled devices. Therefore we also show how generic IoT sensors could be modelled in a state of the art simulator using our generalized case to exemplify how the fundamental properties of IoT entities can be represented in the simulator. Finally, we validate the applicability of the introduced IoT extension with a fitness and a meteorological use case.