This report describes the body of work involving testing and analyses performed in FY18 and FY19 at the Savannah River National Laboratory and at Korea University to determine chlorideinduced stress corrosion crack (CISCC) growth rates in weldments of austenitic stainless steel plate material. The primary work involved: several separate crack growth rate test campaigns with new testing setups using laboratory-scale corrosion specimens; analyses to estimate the stress intensity factors for flaws postulated to be present in the residual stress fields of axial and circumferential weldments in a prototypic dry storage canister; and establishment of a "large plate" (approximately 51×46 cm with thickness 16 mm and weight about 30 kg) CISCC test that uses a plate with a circumferential weldment harvested from the Sandia National Laboratories' full-size mockup dry storage canister.The tests for crack growth rate were conducted on ASTM E1861 bolt-load compact tension specimens in a setup designed to allow initially dried salt deposits to deliquesce and infuse the brine to the crack front under conditions relevant to the canister storage environments (e.g., temperature and humidity). The crack growth rate test results matched previous experimental data in the open literature. These literature data had been compiled by SNL and EPRI to develop a temperature-dependent (K-insensitive) crack growth rate model to support flaw disposition in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Section XI Code Case N-860, "Examination Requirements and Acceptance Standards for Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage and Transportation Containment Systems."The knowledge of the salt, temperature, humidity conditions for CISCC including the threshold stress intensity factor, KISCC, were used to setup the large plate test in which a set of partthrough-wall and through-wall electrical discharge machined (EDM) defects were positioned in the weld residual stress field of the welded plate material from the mockup canister. A salt solution was applied to this plate specimen with an air-brush spray, then dried, and then exposed to a constant 75% RH condition at an ambient room temperature of 22 °C. The salt loading and environmental condition is expected to be aggressive to cause CISCC. The visual results at the surface of the plate show corrosion product staining (brown rust appearance) but with no CISCC emanating from the machined notches after approximately 5 months exposure to date.The plate test will continue in FY20 and phased-array ultrasonic testing and other NDE techniques will be applied to identify and characterize CISCC that may emanate from the machined defects. The notches and any CISCC from them will be sectioned at the conclusion of the test to verify NDE characterization, and to develop effective through-wall crack growth rates from cracks that would likely be branched.