The paradigm that magnetospheric convection is driven by the process of magnetic reconnection between the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) and terrestrial magnetic field was first proposed by Dungey (1961). Following this seminal work, enormous attention has been paid to the influence of the IMF orientation on the solar wind-magnetosphere interaction and its influence on the large-scale plasma convection in the high-latitude (polar and auroral) ionosphere (Milan & Grocott, 2021, and references therein). Previous studies pointed out that among three components of the IMF in geocentric solar magnetospheric (GSM) coordinates, the north-south (vertical) component (that is, IMF B z ) largely determines the global convection pattern of the plasma in the high-latitude ionosphere of both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Specifically, this consists of two vortex cells with an anti-sunward flow across the polar cap and a sunward return flow at lower latitudes in the morning and evening sectors (a two-cell convection pattern) under purely southward IMF conditions. When IMF is northward, on the other hand, two additional cells with reversed vorticity (a four-cell convection pattern) can exist in the central polar cap. These convection cells are observed to be significantly distorted toward either the dawn or dusk sector depending on the sign of dawn-dusk (azimuthal) IMF component (IMF B y ) (Heppner & Maynard, 1987). The convection pattern essentially shows a mirrored symmetry with respect to the noon-midnight meridian between the hemispheres.Compared to these two IMF components, less attention has been paid to the influence of the Sun-Earth (radial) IMF component (IMF B x ) on the solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere (SW-M-I) coupling. This is because its