“…whereas hope is low in imageability (Paivio, 1986). Many studies have shown an advantage for concrete over abstract words, in tasks ranging from lexical decision (Bleasdale, 1987;de Groot, 1989;Rubenstein, Gar eld, & Millikan, 1970;Schwanen ugel, Harnishfeger, & Stowe, 1988) to sentence veri cation (Belmore, Yates, Bellack, Jones, & Rosenquist, 1982;Holmes & Langford, 1976;Jorgensen & Kintsch, 1973) and sentence comprehension (Haberlandt & Graesser, 1985). A less consistent pattern has been obtained with word naming, with some studies showing a clear advantage for concrete words (Schwanen ugel & Stowe, 1989;Strain, Patterson, & Seidenberg, 1995;Tyler, Voice, & Moss, 1996, 2000, others showing only a small advantage (Bleasdale, 1987;Rubin 1980)) and still other studies nding no difference (Brown & Watson, 1987;Coltheart, Laxton, & Keating, 1988;McFalls, Schwanen ugel, & Stahl, 1996;Richardson, 1976).…”