Above all, I thank my shipmates on the Glomar Challenger, scientists, technicians, cooks, drillers and crew, for sharing the excitement of this voyage during long hours in laboratories, late night discussions, good cheer and the occasional social event. And for their abiding interest in the post cruise aspects of the science. xv Glossary Albedo The fraction of light or solar radiation that is reflected back from a surface. Light surfaces with a low albedo, such as vegetation, look dark; surfaces with a high albedo, such as snow or ice, look bright. Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) The major ocean current that flows around Antarctica from West to East, connecting all three oceans linked to the Antarctic Ocean, Pacific, Indian and Atlantic. Driven by strong westerly winds, it is sometimes called the West Wind Drift. Benthic Referring to the ecological zone close to the sea bottom. Organisms living in this zone are called benthos. Calve (verb) The breaking off of an iceberg from an ice shelf or glacier. Camera lucida An instrument that uses the deflection of light rays through a glass prism so that images are reflected on paper ready for drawing. Chert A hard grey rock resembling flint, a chemical sedimentary rock composed of microcrystalline quartz. Breaks with a conchoidal fracture and very sharp edges and has been used for tool-making. Clast In geology clast refers to a fragment of geological debris-chunks or fragments broken off other rocks by weathering or erosion, including, but not confined to, plucking by glacial action. Cobble A clast of rock of a particular size, larger than a pebble and smaller than a boulder. Come on site To arrive at the site or locality to be drilled. Continental rise The slope transitional between the deep ocean floor, or abyssal plain, and the continent's edge. Core A continuous, usually cylindrical section of rock or sediment. A MEMory of ICE xvi Coring The act of drilling to retrieve a core. Coriolis effect The observed motion of oceanic or atmospheric currents resulting from the Earth's rotation. Currents are deflected to the right in the northern hemisphere and the left in the southern hemisphere. Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) A scientific ocean drilling project that operated from 1968 to 1983 using the Glomar Challenger as the drilling ship. Diatoms Microscopic unicellular or colonial organisms enclosed in a cell wall, or frustule, made of silica. They may inhabit the sea surface, or freshwater, or live in soils, even in ice. They dominate the phytoplankton and are large contributors to the primary production of the oceans. Dredging Collecting sediment, rock or biological samples from the sea floor using a variety of sampling tools. Drilling ship A vessel designed for exploratory offshore drilling, for scientific purposes or for oil and gas exploration. Earth's crust The crust is the outer, solid shell of the Earth, underlain by Earth's mantle. The crust may be of oceanic or continental type. Oceanic rocks are made of dense, dark coloured rocks rich in iron and magnesium, ...