Majority of the Indian Oil Fields have gone well past the age of self-flow, with only a very few select wells currently producing crude utilizing the natural reservoir energy. It is a well-documented fact that the age of easy, light oil has passed and that, most of the new discoveries being made are those of either heavy or ultra-heavy crude oil types.
SRPs, ESPs, Jet pumps, Gas lift are the various modes of artificial lift currently under employment. However, all these methods fail when heavy oils are encountered. In such cases, these methods of artificial lift fail to provide the requisite lift for the crude to reach the surface. However, the Progressive Cavity Pumps (PCPs) have found great utility under conditions of heavy crude production. The spiral motion of the Pump cavity from suction to discharge causes jerk-free motion of the crude.
PC Pumps have distinctive advantage over the other methods, when heavy crudes along with significant sand cuts are to be produced. PC Pumps are also used on a large scale for de-watering of CBM wells.
In this paper, an extensive review of the available literature was done to study PC Pumps and the various advancements achieved through the years. Artificial lift selection methods were investigated and a comprehensive procedure enlisted to select the right type of lift which best suits the field/well.