Aims: This study investigates associations between blood alcohol content (BAC), gender, location, time of night, and intention to consume more alcohol, energy drinks, and illicit drugs following a street intercept interview. Measures: Participants were asked demographic questions, as well as questions about their intentions for the rest of the night (further alcohol, drug, and energy drink use), and completed a breathalyzer test.Findings: Over 70% of the nightlife patrons intended to consume more alcohol, and this was more likely for males, regional patrons, and those with a BAC of over 0.08 g/100 ml. Overall, intention to use drugs was consistent across BAC, location, and time of night, though males were significantly more likely than females to intend to consume drugs.
Conclusions:Given the risky behaviors of the most intoxicated group out drinking late at night, interventions that target latenight drinking, high levels of intoxication, and high-risk drinkers are indicated.