AGRADECIMENTOSAos meus pais pelo amor e incentivo contínuo à minha educação.À minha esposa Débora pelo carinho, apoio e compreensão.Aos colegas Athos Bernardes, pelo interesse e colaboração no desenvolvimento das complexas planilhas de aquisição e análise de dados, e Milton Shikishima, pela dedicação e empenho na instrumentação e acompanhamento do veículo de teste utilizado. Sem eles a realização desse trabalho não teria sido possível.
ABSTRACTThe main objective of this research is to develop driving cycles for urban buses from experimental data, with the purpose of estimating pollutant emissions. The study presents different methodologies for the construction of driving cycles, with emphasis on a procedure that uses the VSP concept (Vehicle Specific Power), a variable with high correlation to pollutant emissions. Data from speed variation were collected from a bus performing urban endurance tests, driving through many types of urban roads on a predefined route. Segments from the entire route were selected to represent different operating conditions for buses, during peak and off-peak periods, for which several driving cycles were developed. Pollutant emissions were estimated for these cycles. The results show that road characteristics and adverse traffic conditions can impact directly on VSP distribution and therefore lead to higher pollutant emissions.