First, I would like to thank my best friend, my greatest supporter, my inexhaustible source of strength, love and affection, my mother. I thank you for everything you have always done for me, without you none of this would have been possible. I also thank my boyfriend, Sherlon Almeida da Silva, you have always been one of my biggest supporters, my source of energy and strength. Words will never express the gratitude I have for everything you've always done for me, thank you. I would also like to thank all the teachers who contributed to my academic journey, from elementary school to graduate school. My eternal gratitude to all these warriors. I would like to thank my dear advisor Kalinka Regina Lucas Jaquie Castelo Branco, you are one of the most kind, competent and inspiring people I have ever met. Even before entering graduate school, I already wanted to work with you for your competence, but I was surprised by an example of a wonderful human being. Thank you for the guidance and for everything you have done for me, I admire you too much.Finally, I would like to thank all friends from USP and friends from the laboratory, you made my afternoons happier, they were essential to keep me on track and achieve my goals.This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior -Brasil (CAPES) -Finance Code 001. "Quando se nasce pobre, ser estudioso é o maior ato de rebeldia contra o sistema -autor desconhecido" ABSTRACT FERRÃO, ISADORA GARCIA. Resilient architecture to dynamically manage unmanned aerial vehicle networks under attack. 2021. 136 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências -