Spreading of nano-droplets is an interesting and technologically relevant phenomenon where thermal fluctuations lead to unexpected deviations from well-known deterministic laws. Here, we apply the newly developed fluctuating non-ideal lattice Boltzmann method [Gross et al., J Stat Mech, P03030 (2011)] for the study of this issue. Confirming the predictions of Davidovich and coworkers [PRL 95, 244905 (2005)], we provide the first independent evidence for the existence of an asymptotic, self-similar noise-driven spreading regime in both two-and three-dimensional geometry. The cross over from the deterministic Tanner's law, where the drop's base radius b grows (in 3D) with time as b ∼ t 1/10 and the noise dominated regime where b ∼ t 1/6 is also observed by tuning the strength of thermal noise. PACS numbers: 05.40.-a, 68.08.Bc, 68.15.+e
I. SPREADING OF NANO-DROPLETSThe spreading of a viscous liquid droplet on a solid substrate is a fundamental and long-studied phenomenon [1-3] of relevance to many applications, such as, for example, painting or coating techniques. If a small macroscopic droplet is placed on a perfectly wetting substrate, one expects that, after an initial transition period, the base radius (see Fig. 1) increases according to a power-law, b(t) ∝ t n , with an exponent n = 1/10 in 3D and n = 1/7 in 2D. This relation can be derived from lubrication theory [1,4] and is known as Tanner's law [5].The experimentally observed value of the exponent n often deviates from the theoretical predictions and is found to depend on several physical parameters, such as substrate roughness, liquid viscosity or vapor density. This is reflected in the range of values that have been reported by experiments [6] and simulations [7][8][9].Most experiments deal with the spreading of droplets that are at least of micrometer size and thus are unaffected by thermal fluctuations. It is, however, interesting to ask what happens to droplets at the nanoscale, where thermal fluctuations become important. Recently, the spreading of droplets under the influence of thermal fluctuations has been investigated numerically and theoretically [10]. There, a stochastic lubrication equation of the formhas been proposed for the evolution of the film height h of the spreading droplet (see also [12]). Here, σ is the surface tension, η the dynamic viscosity, and ξ is a Gaussian white noise with unit variance,Since the total volume V of the droplet is conserved, one additionally requiresThe lubrication equation (1), which is a fully nonlinear stochastic differential equation with multiplicative noise, can be derived from the Navier-Stokes equations for a liquid film amended with the usual Landau-Lifshitz random stress FIG. 1: Geometry of a spreading droplet on a solid substrate. h(r, t) is the local height, b(t) the base diameter and r is the coordinate in the plane of the substrate.