DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ab1a40
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Droplets. I. Pressure-dominated Coherent Structures in L1688 and B18

Abstract: We present the observation and analysis of newly discovered coherent structures in the L1688 region of Ophiuchus and the B18 region of Taurus. Using data from the Green Bank Ammonia Survey, we identify regions of high density and near-constant, almost-thermal velocity dispersion. We reveal 18 coherent structures are revealed, 12 in L1688 and 6 in B18, each of which shows a sharp “transition to coherence” in velocity dispersion around its periphery. The identification of these structures provides a chance to st… Show more

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Cited by 67 publications
(64 citation statements)
References 96 publications
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“…We are able to substantially reduce both the computational and human resources needed to label observed KBOs into their dynamical populations, which will be critical as the number of objects grows by an order of magnitude in the next several years. Methods like this have also recently been proven successful for asteroid family members (Carruba et al 2020). There are a number of improvements to the work presented here that would enable this methodology to be more reliable for expected large survey observations.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…We are able to substantially reduce both the computational and human resources needed to label observed KBOs into their dynamical populations, which will be critical as the number of objects grows by an order of magnitude in the next several years. Methods like this have also recently been proven successful for asteroid family members (Carruba et al 2020). There are a number of improvements to the work presented here that would enable this methodology to be more reliable for expected large survey observations.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…As mentioned above, we compare our measurements of the velocity gradient versus effective radius to those reported in the literature. Thus, we paired our sources with the dense cores studied in Goodman et al (1993) and the "droplets" (sub-0.1 pc coherent gaseous structures) observed by the GAS collaboration in the L1688 region of Ophiuchus and the B18 region of Taurus in Chen et al (2019a). Combined with our data, we have a range of radii from 0.002 pc up to nearly 1 pc.…”
Section: Velocity Gradientmentioning
confidence: 84%
“…Figure 8 shows the relation between the velocity gradient and the effective radius for all of the sources listed above in the left plot along those with those from Goodman et al (1993) and Chen et al (2019b). We note that the distances for the Goodman et al (1993) sources have been updated with the more accurate measurements listed in Chen et al (2019a). We fit a simple power law model to the data using an unweighted MCMC sampling method from the Python package pymc3 3 , and found a relation of |G| ∝ R eff −0.72±0.06 .…”
Section: Velocity Gradientmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Therefore, the estimated virial parameters are not seriously affected by the missing flux. In addition, the ambient pressure from the parental clumps and filaments could also provide additional confinement to make these NH 2 D cores bound (e.g., Chen et al 2019;Li et al 2020a). Therefore, we cannot completely rule out the possibility that the other 8 starless cores could also be pre-stellar core candidates.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 98%