<p>The current situation regarding food insecurity in the continent of Africa, and the Horn of Africa in particular, is at an unprecedented risk level triggered by continuous drought events, complicated interactions between food prices, crop yield, energy inflation and lack of humanitarian aid, along with disrupting conflicts and migration flows. The study of a food-secure environment is a complex, multivariate, multiscale, and non-linear problem difficult to understand with canonical data science methodologies. We propose an alternative approach to the food insecurity problem from a causal inference standpoint to discover the causal relations and evaluate the likelihood and potential consequences of specific interventions. In particular, we demonstrate the use of causal inference for understanding the impact of humanitarian interventions on food insecurity in Somalia. In the first stage of the problem, we apply different data transformations to the main drivers to achieve the highest degree of correlation with the interested variable. In the second stage, we infer causation from the main drivers and interested variables by applying different causal methods such as PCMCI or Granger causality. We analyze and harmonize different time series, per district of Somalia, of the global acute malnutrition (GAM) index, food market prices, crop production, conflict levels, drought and flood internal displacements, as well as climate indicators such as the NDVI index, precipitation or land surface temperature. Then, assuming a causal graph between the main drivers causing the food insecurity problem, we estimate the effect of increasing humanitarian interventions on the GAM index, considering the effects of a changing climate, migration flows, and conflict events. We show that causal estimation with modern methodologies allows us to quantify the impact of humanitarian aid on food insecurity.</p>
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