Adaptation to large‐scale spatial heterogeneity in the environment accounts for a major proportion of genetic diversity within species. Theory predicts the erosion of adaptive genetic variation on a within‐population level, but considerable genetic diversity is often found locally. Genetic diversity could be expected to be maintained within populations in temporally or spatially variable conditions if genotypic rank orders vary across contrasting microenvironmental settings. Taking advantage of fine‐resolution environmental data, we tested the hypothesis that temperature heterogeneity among years could be one factor maintaining quantitative genetic diversity within a natural and genetically diverse plant population. We sampled maternal families of Boechera stricta, an Arabidopsis thaliana relative, at one location in the central Rocky Mountains and grew them in three treatments that, based on records from an adjacent weather station, simulated hourly temperature changes at the native site during three summers with differing mean temperatures. Treatment had a significant effect on all traits, with 2–3‐fold increase in above‐ and belowground biomass and the highest allocation to roots observed in the treatment simulating the warmest summer on record at the site. Treatment affected bivariate associations between traits, with the weakest correlation between above‐ and belowground biomass in the warmest treatment. The magnitude of quantitative genetic variation for all traits differed across treatments: Genetic variance of biomass was 0 in the warmest treatment, while highly significant diversity was found in average conditions, resulting in broad‐sense heritability of 0.31. Significant genotype × environment interactions across all treatments were found only in root‐to‐shoot ratio. Therefore, temperature variation among summers appears unlikely to account for the observed levels of local genetic variation in size in this perennial species, but may influence family rank order in growth allocation. Our results indicate that natural environmental fluctuations can have a large impact on the magnitude of within‐population quantitative genetic variance.