The control-theoretic notion of controllability captures the ability to guide a systems behavior toward a desired state with a suitable choice of inputs. Controllability of complex networks such as traffic networks, gene regulatory networks, power grids etc. brings many opportunities. It could for instance enable improved efficiency in the functioning of a network or lead to that entirely new applicative possibilities emerge. However, when control theory is applied to complex networks like these, several challenges arise. This thesis consider some of these challenges, in particular we investigate how control inputs should be placed in order to render a given network controllable at a minimum cost, taking as cost function either the number of control inputs or the energy that they must exert. We assume that each control input targets only one node (called a driver node) and is either unconstrained or unilateral.A unilateral control input is one that can assume either positive or negative values but not both. Motivated by the many applications where unilateral controls are common, we reformulate classical controllability results for this particular case into a more computationally-efficient form that enables a large scale analysis. We show that the unilateral controllability problem is to a high degree structural and derive theoretical lower bounds on the minimal number of unilateral control inputs from topological properties of the network, similar to the bounds that exists for the minimal number of unconstrained control inputs. Moreover, an algorithm is developed that constructs a near minimal number of control inputs for a given network. When evaluated on various categories of random networks as well as a number of real-world networks, the algorithm often achieves the theoretical lower bounds.A network can be controllable in theory but not in practice when completely uneasonable amounts of control energy are required to steer it in some direction. For unconstrained control inputs we show that the control energy depends on the time constants of the modes of the network, and that the closer the eigenvalues are to the imaginary axis of the complex plane, the less energy is required for control. We also investigate the problem of placing driver nodes such that the control energy requirements are minimized (assuming that theoretical controllability is not an issue). For the special case with networks having all purely imaginary eigenvalues, several constructive algorithms for driver node placement are developed. In order to understand what determines the control energy in the general case with arbitrary eigenvalues, we define two centrality measures for the nodes based on energy flow considerations: the first centrality reflects the network impact of a node and the second the ability to control it indirectly. It turns out that whether a node is suitable as driver node or not largely depends on these two qualities. By combining the centralities into node rankings we obtain driver node placements that signific...