The traditional approaches to drug education are characterized and classified into seven styles and grouped into two modes: Converting and Supporting. Directing, Preaching, Convincing and Scaring constitute the Converting Mode, while the Progressive, Counseling and Peer Counseling styles make up the Supporting Mode.The author is critical of each style, t o different degrees, b u t presents his model t o allow administrators and drug educators to categorize their drug education programs into the modes and styles of the model, and to make a determination of where in the model they would like their efforts to be.The article reviews some studies which are critical to the factual approach t o drug education and ends with a few suggestions.The legislative divisions of our multi-leveled government have been successful in producing myriad laws aimed at preventing drug abuse--withou t success.Those in law enforcement have succeeded in intercepting record quantities of illegal drugs and also of greatly increasing the number of arrests for violations of drug laws-but illegal drug use has grown at a faster pace.penalizing countless thousands of drug-law breakers-but transgressors are everywhere.with most.The judicial branches of government have been successful in Treatment and rehabilitation have reclaimed some-but failed 57 0 1975, Baywood Publishing Co.