Abstract. In this paper, we propose a new approach for designing histogrambased descriptors. For demonstration purpose, we generate a descriptor based on the histogram of differential-turning angle scale space (d-TASS) function and its derived data. We then compare the proposed histogram-based descriptor with the traditional histogram descriptors in terms of retrieval performance from image databases. Experiments on three shapes databases demonstrate the efficiency and the effectiveness of the new technique: the proposed technique of histogram-based descriptor outperforms the traditional one. These experiments showed also that the proposed histogram-based descriptor using d-TASS function and the derived features performs well compared with the state-of-theart. When applied to texture images retrieval, the proposed approach yields higher performance than the traditional histogram-based descriptors. From these results, we believe that the proposed histogram-based descriptor should perform efficiently for medical images retrieval so we will focus on this aspect in the future work.Index Terms-pattern recognition, image description, image retrieval, texture image, differential-turning angle scale space, turning angle scale space, bull's eye performance.