A field experiment was conducted during Rabi season (2015-16) at Instructional Farm, Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh (India) to evaluate the identification of suitable date of sowing and variety of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) for South Saurashtra (Gujarat). The **), test weight (r=0.995**), experiment was laid out in split plot design with four dates of sowing in main plots (05th November, 15th November, 25th November and 05th December) and three varieties in sub plots (GW 322, GW 366 and GW 173) and replicated thrice. The analysis showed positive correlation between grain yield and growth parameters viz, plant height at 60 DAS (r=0.932**) and harvest (r=0.940**), dry matter accumulation at harvest (r=0.976**), crop growth rate between 30 to 60 DAS (r=0.996**), root dry weight at 60 DAS (r=0.945**) and harvest (r=0.867*), root length at 60 DAS (r=0.960**) and harvest (r=0.935**). Grain yield showed positive correlation with yield attributes and nutrient content viz, effective tillers/plant (r=0.758**), spike length (r=0.937**), grains/spike (r=0.991**), spike weight (r=0.954water use efficiency (r=0.785**), N content (r=0.884**), P content (r=0.918**) and K content in grain (r=0.873*).