, J. 1998. Selection for nitrogen use efficiency and N concentration in timothy. Can. J. Plant Sci. 78: 611-613. Improvement of N use efficiency of timothy (Phleum pratense L.) involves higher DM yield but, for feeding purposes, N concentration should also be considered. Differences in N use efficiency were found among 40 genotypes of timothy. The analysis of residues of the linear regression between N uptake and DM yield of all genotypes allowed for the selection of genotypes with both high N use efficiency and contrasted N concentrations.Key words: Phleum pratense L., timothy, genetic selection, nitrogen use efficiency Michaud, R., Bélanger, G., Brégard, A. et Surprenant, J. 1998. Sélection pour l'efficacité d'utilisation de l'azote et de la concentration en azote de la fléole des prés. Can. J. Plant Sci. 78: 611-613. L'amélioration de l'efficacité d'utilisation de l'azote de la fléole des prés (Phleum pratense L.) implique un meilleur rendement mais la teneur en azote doit également être prise en compte pour l'alimentation animale. Des différences d'efficacité d'utilisation de l'azote ont été observées parmi 40 génotypes de fléole des prés. Une analyse des résidus de la régression linéaire entre le rendement et le prélèvement d'azote de tous les génotypes a permis la sélection de génotypes présentant à la fois une meilleure efficacité d'utilisation de l'azote et des teneurs en azote contrastées.
Mot clés:Phleum pratense L., fléole des prés, sélection génétique, efficacité d'utilisation de l'azote Timothy (Phleum pratense L.) is the most important perennial forage grass species grown in Eastern Canada. High DM yields and N concentrations usually require the application of high levels of N fertilizer. Improving the N concentration of timothy would reduce the need for protein supplements in feed rations, whereas the improvement in its efficiency of N utilization would reduce the costs of forage production and the risks of N losses to the environment through leaching and denitrification.Nitrogen concentration in forage is negatively correlated to DM yield (Bélanger and Richards 1997). Hence, in the selection of populations or genotypes with high N concentrations, it is imperative that DM yield be considered. Nitrogen use efficiency is usually defined as the DM yield produced per unit of N available in the soil. Studies conducted on annual and perennial species showed that NUE differences are possible through genotype selection (De Datta and Broadbent 1988; Van Loo et al.1992;Swiader et al. 1994;Bertauski et al. 1997).Our overall objective is to improve NUE of timothy by selecting populations or genotypes that will produce greater or similar DM yields with less N fertilizer while maintaining N concentration close to the optimal level required by high-producing ruminant animals. The specific objective of this preliminary study was to classify a wide range of timothy genotypes presenting contrasting characteristics of NUE and N concentration. We used DM yield to assess NUE based on the assumption that the available ...