ABSTRACT:One of the critical points of Douglas fir seedling production is to optimize the time of sowing and length of pre-sowing treatment. Germination and emergence of Douglas fir seed lot of the Czech origin (CZ-2-2A-DG-1740-6-3-P) were observed in simulated warm and cold conditions in two phytotrons for 3 months. Before this procedure the seeds were exposed to different prechilling duration. The temperature in control conditions of phytotrons was stable for 28 days and then it was increased: 11, 13, 17°C in cold phytotron and 13, 17, 20°C in the warm phytotron. Seeds without stratification and stratified for 3, 5, 7, 9 and 16 weeks were tested. The laboratory germination capacity of non-stratified seeds was only 58% and it was significantly (P < 0.05, Tukey's test) lower than in stratification treatments when it varied from 92% to 96%. Non-stratified seeds did not germinate in cold phytotron and they germinated very slowly (germination rate at the end of experiment was 7%) in warm phytotron. The germination capacity of seeds both in the phytotron and in the laboratory was observed in treatments with prechilling of seeds longer than 7 weeks in warm conditions and only for seeds after 16 weeks of prechilling in cold conditions. The highest emergence rate of seeds (84%) was found in the warm phytotron after 16 weeks of stratification. Comparable results were reached only for 9 weeks of stratification in the same phytotron. The results suggest that the prolongation of the standard 3-week prechilling period helps to increase germination capacity and emergence rate of seeds. Future research should focus on optimal length with regard to more seed lots and also on seedling quality parameters.
JOURNAL OF FOREST SCIENCE, 60, 2014 (7): 281-287From the aspect of forestry, Douglas fi r is considered a promising tree species for the region of Central Europe (Kenk, Ehring 1995;Kantor et al. 2001;Tauchman et al. 2010). In the region of the Czech Republic it is recommended to increase its share from 0.2 to 2-4% of the total stand area (Beran, Šindelá 1996; Kantor et al. 2010). On sites without seed-producing trees and in areas where Douglas fi r has not been present so far, artifi cial regeneration is necessary. One of the critical points in artifi cial regeneration of Douglas-fi r is a small yield of seedlings in nursery practice of the Czech Republic. From many aspects which infl uence the yield of Douglas fi r seedlings the presowing treatment seems to be important because the seeds exhibit dormancy (Heit 1968;Gosling, Peace 1990;Müller et al. 1999).Cold stratifi cation of seeds has a favourable eff ect on subsequent germination and shows an increase in total germination capacity, increased germination rate and extended range of temperatures at which the seeds germinate (Gosling 1988). Th e main prerequisite for successful stratifi cation is its suffi cient duration. According to Jones, Gosling (1994), short stratifi cation (2-6 weeks) of seeds with relative dormancy improves the germination capacity as well as the germ...