Here we propose a route to the high-Q perfect absorption of light by introducing the concept of a Fano antilaser. Based on the drastic spectral variation of the optical phase in a Fano-resonant system, a spectral singularity for scatter-free perfect absorption can be achieved with an order of magnitude smaller material loss. By applying temporal coupled mode theory to a Fano-resonant waveguide platform, we reveal that the required material loss and following absorption Q-factor are ultimately determined by the degree of Fano spectral asymmetry. The feasibility of the Fano anti-laser is confirmed using a photonic crystal platform, to demonstrate spatio-spectrally selective heating. Our results utilizing the phase-dependent control of device bandwidths derive a counterintuitive realization of high-Q perfect conversion of light into internal energy, and thus pave the way for a new regime of absorption-based devices, including switches, sensors, thermal imaging, and opto-thermal emitters. DOI: PACS numbers: 42.25.Bs, 42.25.Hz, 42.79.Ta, 42.55.Ah Light absorption is a fundamental phenomenon of the conversion of electromagnetic energy into internal energies of different forms, and has been exploited in various energy conversion devices [1][2][3][4][5][6]. Unconventional physics have recently been derived from the use of optical loss as well, e.g., parity-time symmetric optics [7-10] and anomalous refraction [11]. The quest toward ultimate optical absorption has also progressed under the notion of 'perfect absorption' [12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22], which utilizes the destructive interference between scatterings from different origins. Employing the concept of coherent perfect absorption (CPA) [23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30], the origin of perfect absorption has been explained intuitively in the context of a time-reversed laser at the lasing threshold, i.e., an anti-laser with a scattering singularity.The applications of optical absorption can be classified in terms of their spectral responses: broadband absorptions [18][19][20] for photovoltaics [5], anti-reflector, and band-stop filter, and narrowband ones [12][13][14][15][16][17] for high-Q sensor [1][2][3]12,13], thermal imaging [14], opto-thermal emitter [4,15,16], and absorptive switching [6]. Interestingly, although a clear description of perfect absorption can be made through the concept of an anti-laser [23], efforts to develop narrowband anti-laser have been hindered by the difficulties in achieving high-Q values; in stark contrast to a laser which supports a narrower, single-wavelength spectrum above the threshold. This restriction toward high-Q anti-laser is a result of the fundamental tradeoff between the absorption and Q-factor in the system. Because the loaded Q-factor Q L is related to coupling Q C and intrinsic Q I (including material loss) through 1/Q L = 1/Q I + 1/Q C , it is impossible to achieve both large absorption (Q I ↓) and a narrow spectrum (Q L ↑) simultaneously even with the infinite Q C of isolated absorbers, hindering t...