A compact dual-band bandpass filter using trisection hairpin-shape resonators has been designed and fabricated. Measured results are in good agreement with electromagnetic simulation results and verify that two central frequencies of the fabricated filter are located at about 1.57 GHz (GPS application) and 2.40 GHz (WLAN application). The measured return losses in both 1.57 and 2.40 GHz bands are higher than 16 dB while the measured insertion losses are about 1 dB in the two passbands. The circuit size of the proposed filter occupies only 26  26 mm ('0.22l g  0.22l g ).Introduction: To meet various wireless communication requirements, dual-band filters have been proposed and exploited extensively as a key circuit block in dual-band wireless communication systems [1][2][3][4][5][6]. In the literature, various types of filters such as the two-section stepped impedance resonator (SIR) and the parallel-coupled microstrip filter have been widely reported. For example, a rigorous design of microstrip dual-band bandpass filters in parallel-coupled and verticalstacked configurations was given in [2] and a concurrent dual-band microstrip filter using two open-loop resonators was described in [3]. Thus far, it is still a real challenge to circuit designers in designing a single filter with two passbands.In this Letter, the design and fabrication of a novel dual-band bandpass filter using trisection hairpin-shape resonators for GPS and WLAN applications are reported. Without the need of several parallel-and cross-coupled resonators, the proposed filter with compact size and low insertion-loss performance in the passband can be realised. Simulation and measurement are presented to prove the validity of this design method.