Abstract-The goal of this paper is to use defected ground structure (DGS) in microstrip antennas for dual band operation at microwave frequencies. The soft nature of the DGS facilitates improvement in the performance of microstrip antennas. A design study on microstrip patch antenna with specific DGS slot has been presented in the proposed work. In this paper, a stacked microstrip patch antenna (SMPA) has been designed for broadband behavior, and then skew-F shaped DGS has been integrated with a detailed study of possible DGS slots in a small area for dual band operation. The design and optimization of both the SMPA and DGS structures along with the parametric study were carried out using CST Microwave Studio V.9. Further, the dual band antenna, i.e., the SMPA with skew-F shaped DGS, has been fabricated, and the experimental results have shown a good agreement with the simulation ones.