The glass shrimp, Palaemonetes vulgaris changes to match the color of its background by a rapid, so-called physiological color change and a much slower, morphological color change. Apparently both are controlled by hormones, but the rapid color change is mediated by translocations of pigments within stellate cells called chromatophores, whereas the slow color change is effected by selective increases in certain types of chromatophore pigments. The large, dark chromatophores of the ovary were isolated intact and shown to be polychromatic (perhaps four pigments) by correlating light and electron microscopy. Incubated chromatophores supplied with crude extracts of certain neurosecretory tissues exhibit centripetal movement of pigment equivalent to that observed in vivo when a prawn is transferred from a dark-colored background to a light-colored background. Centripetal translocation of pigment is not inhibited in the chromatophores by preincubation in 10-3 M colchicine or vinblastine sulfate even though the vinblastine treatment elicits production of crystalline complexes of microtubular protein in place of the normal bundles of microtubules. Cytochalasin B (10 pg/ ml) blocks pigment migration reversibly, but does not disrupt microfilaments or other ultrastructural elements. Apparently, normal pigment aggregation depends on some function which is reversibly sensitive to cytochalasin B, and not on the impressive system of microtubules in these cells.Many crustaceans (Brown, '35a, b), fish (Fujii and N o d e s , '69; Green, '68; Spaeth, '13), amphibians (Bagnara et al., '68; Bikle et al., '66), and reptiles (Alexander and Fahrenbach, '69; Taylor and Hadley, '70) are capable of rapid changes in skin color in response to visual stimuli from the background. At the cellular level, rapid color changes are mediated by translocations of pigments within relatively large, dendritically-branched cells, often called chromatophores (Fingerman, '70b; Nicol, '60). Some decapod crustaceans such as the glass shrimp, Palaemonetes vulgaris are capable of changing to match essentially any color. As many as four basic pigments are involved, and the animal's color is determined by which pigment or combination of pigments is dispersed throughout the multibranched arms of its monochromatic and polychromatic chromatophores (Brown, '35a). The animal becomes quite transparent when all pigments are aggregated in the cell centers, leaving the arms of the chromatophores extended but devoid of pigment.The control of color changes in crustaceans involves the production and release of hormones, usually small peptides, by neurosecretory cells (Andrews et al., '71; Brown, '35a,b; Fingerman, '65, '70b; Perkins and Snook, '31, '32). Recently Fernlund and Josefsson ('72) isolated and determined the complete chemical structure of the neurosecreted hormone which effects the centripetal movement of red pigment in the prawn Pandalus borealis. They found that it is active in picogram amounts and demonstrated that it can be synthesized in the lab...