Peroxidyme Amplified Radical Chain Reaction (PARCR), anovel enzyme-free system that achieves exponential amplification of av isible signal, is presented. Typical enzyme-free amplification systems that produce avisible readout suffer from long reaction times,low sensitivity,and narrow dynamic range.P ARCR employs photocatalyzed nonlinear signal generation, enabling unprecedented one-pot, naked-eye detection of acatalytic reporter from 1 mm down to 100 pm.In this reaction, hemin-binding peroxidase-mimicking DNAzymes ("peroxidymes") mediate the NADH-driven oxidation of acolorless,nonfluorescent phenoxazine dye (Amplex Red) to abrightly colored, strongly fluorescent product (resorufin); illumination with green light initiates multiple radical-forming positive-feedbackl oops,r apidly producing visible levels of resorufin. Collectively,t hese results demonstrate the potential of PARCR as an easy-to-use readout for ar ange of detection schemes,i ncluding aptamer labels,h ybridization assays,a nd nucleic acid amplification.