In this note we introduce and study basic properties of two types of modules over a commutative noetherian ring R of positive prime characteristic. The first is the category of modules of finite F -type. These objects include reflexive ideals representing torsion elements in the divisor class group of R. The second class is what we call F -abundant modules. These include, for example, the ring R itself and the canonical module when R has positive splitting dimension. We prove various facts about these two categories and how they are related, for example that Hom R (M, N ) is maximal Cohen-Macaulay when M is of finite F -type and N is F -abundant, plus some extra (but necessary) conditions. Our methods allow us to extend previous results by Patakfalvi-Schwede, Yao and Watanabe. They also afford a deeper understanding of these objects, including complete classifications in many cases of interest, such as complete intersections and invariant subrings.Given S ⊆ mod(R), we use add R (S) to denote the additive subcategory of mod(R) generated by S.Definition 1.1. (1) Let M be an R-module such that Supp(M) = Spec R and is locally free in codimension 1. We let M(e) = F e R (M) * * , the reflexive hull of F e R (M), viewed as an R-module by identifying e R with R. We say that M is of finite F -type if {M(e)} e 0 ⊆ add R (X) for some R-module X (see Lemma 4.3). We let F T (R) denote the category of R-modules of finite F -type.