We show that axion models with the domain wall number k in (3 + 1) dimensions, i.e., periodic scalar field theories admitting k axion domain walls, exhibit an emergent Z k 3-form symmetry for k > 1 in addition to a conventional Z k 0-form symmetry. The emergent 3-form symmetry is explicitly shown by establishing a low-energy dual transformation between the scalar field theory and a 3-form gauge theory. We further argue that the emergent 3-form symmetry is spontaneously broken, and the breaking pattern is so-called the type-B spontaneous symmetry breaking. We discuss similar and different points between the phase admitting the domain walls and topologically ordered phases. * hidaka@riken.jp † nitta@phys-h.keio.ac.jp ‡ ryokokur@post.kek.jp 1 In a spin system, a topologically ordered phase due to the domain wall condensation has been discussed [29].