Electrolyte3gated organic field3effect transistors (EGOFETs), based on ultra3thin pentacene films on quartz, were operated with electrolyte solutions whose pH was systematically changed. Transistor parameters exhibit non3monotonic variation vs pH, which cannot be accounted for by capacitive coupling through the Debye3Helmholtz layer. The data were fitted with an ana3 lytical model of the accumulated charge in the EGOFET where Langmuir adsorption was introduced to describe the (pH3 dependent) charge build3up at the quartz surface. The model provides an excellent fit to the threshold voltage and transfer charac3 teristics as a function of pH, which demonstrates that quartz acts as a second gate controlled by pH, and is mostly effective at neu3 tral or alkaline pH. The effective capacitance of the device is always greater than the capacitance of the electrolyte, thus highlight3 ing the role of the substrate as an important active element for amplification of the transistor response.
INTRODUCTIONSince the pioneering work of Bergveld 1 several examples of field3effect transistors (FETs) have been demonstrated as sen3 sors working in aqueous solutions. 2 In the ion3sensing field3 effect transistor (ISFET), a reference electrode controls the potential of an electrolyte solution at the interface with a met3 al3oxide3semiconductor FET (MOSFET). The ISFET is a po3 tentiometric sensor that responds to the activity of ions, in par3 ticular hydronium ions, at the electro3 lyte/dielectric/semiconductor interface. Ion3sensitive organic field3effect transistors (ISOFETs) were also demonstrated, where the channel consists of an organic semiconductor (OSC) thin film. 3,4 In these architectures, an encapsulation layer sepa3 rating the organic semiconductor thin film from the aqueous environment has been used. Both inorganic (e.g. silicon ni3 tride 3 and tantalum pentoxide 4 ) and organic (e.g. poly(methyl methacrylate) 5 and poly(vinylidene fluoride)) 6 dielectrics were exploited to yield pH3sensitive devices. It is also possible to operate the IS(O)FET in a dual gate archi3 tecture, where the bottom gate consists of a metal electrode separated by a (bottom) dielectric, and the top gate electrode controls the bath potential. The two gates are operated inde3 pendently, giving rise to a dual channel in a thick film (if the signs of gate voltages are the same) or depleting one of the channels (if their signs are opposite). It was shown 7,8 that the device responds with a shift of threshold voltage to changes of the top3gate potential. The shift observed is proportional to (the negative of) the potential change at the top gate, through a capacitive coupling given by the ratio of the top and bottom