The classification of breast cancer has emerged as a significant concern in thehealthcare sector in recent times. This is primarily due to its status as the sec-ond leading cause of cancer-related fatalities among women. Prior research inthe field of breast cancer classification has mainly focused on either traditionalMachine Learning (ML) based models or employing Deep Learning (DL) mod-els. However, both approaches solely fail to capture the complete spectrum offeatures necessary for accurate classification. Therefore, this paper introduces aclassification model named Hybrid Breast Cancer Prediction System (HBCPS),which utilizes a combination of features derived from deep Convolutional Neu-ral Network (CNN) model and handcrafted features, to improve classificationperformance. The proposed HBCPS uses the pre-trained ResNet50 network toextract the deep features, while the handcrafted features are obtained using His-togram Orientation Gradient (HOG). For classification the proposed approach uses Support Vector Machine (SVM). In addition, the proposed method inte-grates the Block Matching and 3D (BM3D) denoising filter. This filter efficientlyreduces multiplicative noise such as speckle noise from Breast Ultrasound (BUS)images, resulting in improved image quality. This enhancement technique hassignificantly contributed to improve the overall performance of the system. Theproposed framework is evaluated using a widely used Breast Ultrasound Image(BUSI) dataset. The proposed HBCPS exhibited satisfactory performance withan accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score, specificity, and AUC values of 89.02%,87.67%, 87.17%, 87.36%, 83.87%, and 0.8717, respectively. These metrics indicatethe robustness and reliability of the proposed method and offer a comprehensiveframework for breast cancer classification using BUS images.