“…For many years now, authors have suggested that education systems have often penalized gifted students who display different values and attitudes from those of the dominant culture by excluding them from gifted programs (e.g., Colanero, 1985; Maker, 1996; Senate Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and Education References Committee, 2001, § 3.126). Teachers have tended to nominate or select only the most acculturated minority students for inclusion in gifted programs (Bernal & Garcia, 2009; Briggs et al, 2008; Geake & Gross, 2008). Attempts have been made to remedy this oversight by being more inclusive of the cultural differences of potentially gifted ELLs; however, even in identification processes using intelligence tests that are purportedly language-free, there is a cultural base to the instrument that may work against ELLs (Bernal & Garcia, 2009; Matthews, 2006), challenging their validity for this group (Gonzalez, 2002; Lohman et al, 2008).…”