Topoisomerase IIIα (topo IIIα), a member of the conserved Type IA subfamily of topoisomerases, is required for the cell proliferation in mitotic tissues, but has a lesser effect on DNA endoreplication. The top3α gene encodes two forms of protein by utilizing alternative translation initiation sites: one (short form) with the nuclear localization signal only, exclusively localized in the nuclei, and the other (long form), retaining a mitochondrial import sequence at the N-terminus and the nuclear localization sequence at the C-terminus, localized primarily in the mitochondria, though with a small portion in the nuclei. Both forms of topo IIIα can rescue the viability of null mutants of top3α. No apparent defect is associated with the flies rescued by the long form; short-form-rescued flies (referred to as M1L), however, exhibit defects in fertilities. M1L females are sterile. They can lay eggs but with mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) copy number and ATP content decreased by 20-and 2-to 3-fold, respectively, and they fail to hatch. Of the newly eclosed M1L males, 33% are completely sterile, whereas the rest have residual fertilities that are quickly lost in 6 days. The fertility loss of M1L males is caused by the disruption of the individualization complex and a progressive loss of germ-line stem cells. This study implicates topo IIIα in the maintenance of mtDNA and male germ-line stem cells, and thus is a causative candidate for genetic disorders associated with mtDNA depletion.mtDNA depletion | DNA replication | DNA segregation | topoisomerase I ntertwining of DNA duplex provides an elegant means to store and transmit genetic information. However, because of this bihelical structure, the transaction of genetic information leads to DNA entanglement such as supercoiling, knotting, and catenation. DNA topoisomerases are nature's solution for resolving the topological problems associated with DNA metabolism. Based on structure and mechanism, there are two main groups of these enzymes (1, 2). Type I topoisomerases can reversibly cleave one DNA strand at a time, and type II enzymes are able to generate transient double strand breaks and transport another DNA segment through the reversible breaks. There are additional subtypes for each group. Bacterial topo I/III and eukaryotic topo III belong to type IA enzymes, and they work via a mechanism of strand passage through an enzyme-bridged single strand break. There are two isozymes of topo III, α and β, in metazoans: topo IIIα is essential for viability, and topo IIIβ is not (3, 4). Eucaryotic topo I is classified as type IB enzymes, and it forms an evolutionarily distinct class when compared with type IA enzymes, presumably a descendent of site-specific recombinases in bacteria (5). These enzymes work by generating a strand break where protein is linked to the 3 0 -phosphoryl end, allowing the free 5 0 end to undergo a restrained rotation around the nonscissile strand (6). Type IB can thus serve as an efficient swivel to remove supercoiling accumulated during replication or tr...