A dual-feed rectangular dielectric resonator antenna with a wideband switched line coupler is proposed for generating broadband circular polarisation. The new wideband switched line coupler provides good impedance matching, equal power splitting and consistent 90°phase shifting over a wide bandwidth. The proposed antenna exhibits a 3 dB axial ratio bandwidth of 47.69% and an impedance matching bandwidth of 48.46% for a voltage standing wave ratio ≤2.Introduction: The dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) has been widely investigated and used over the past two decades owing to its inherent features such as small size, high radiation efficiency, simple coupling schemes and relatively wide bandwidth compared with microstrip antennas [1,2]. Circular polarisation (CP) has been used in a number of radar, communication and navigation systems to allow for more flexibility in the orientation of the transmitter and the receiver antennas. The bandwidth of the CP DRA is closely related to the bandwidth of its feed network. The CP DRA with a dual-feed feed network normally results in a relatively wider axial ratio (AR) bandwidth than the single-feed type of simple-structure dielectric resonators [2]. In the dual-feed approaches [3][4][5], a hybrid coupler is often used to generate two quadrature feeding signals. Lim et al.[5] present a dual-feed CP DRA with measured impedance and AR bandwidths of 24.95 and 33.8%, respectively. Nevertheless, the effective AR bandwidth [5] is limited to 24.95%. This limitation may have come from its coupler, whose bandwidth is limited by the frequency dependence of the ring lengths and is generally on the order of 20-30% [6]. To overcome this limitation, a new feed network named as the wideband switched line coupler (WSLC) has been designed in the work reported in this Letter, the proposed CP DRA excited with which demonstrates good wideband characteristics in terms of impedance matching and CP.