We study the performance of multicarrier offset modulation and root-raised-cosine shaped multicarrier modulation with aggregate 32.5 GBd symbol rate and show that offset modulation is preferable for non-zero rolloff factors. OCIS codes: (060.0060) Fiber optics communications; (060.1660) Coherent Communications
IntroductionIn coherent optical communication systems, bandwidth-limited multicarrier (MC) transmission can be achieved using conventional quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) on root-raised-cosine (RRC) shaped subcarriers (MC-QAM). Subcarrier spacing equal to the symbol rate results in crosstalk for any rolloff factor > 0. MC offset quadrature amplitude modulation (MC-OQAM) [1] was recently proposed as an alternative that achieves subcarrier spacing equal to the symbol rate. MC-OQAM uses RRC pulse shaping, but the spectra of adjacent channels overlap without resulting in crosstalk between neighboring subcarriers thanks to a half-symbol time delay between the inphase and quadrature components of the signal on each subcarrier. Hence, non-zero rolloff factors become theoretically accessible without penalty.Similar to orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), transmission impairments are bound to break the subcarrier orthogonality of MC-OQAM [2]. The benefit of MC-OQAM therefore strongly depends on the ability to recover subcarrier orthogonality using digital signal processing (DSP). Recently, a 224-Gb/s MC-OQAM communication system with seven 16-Offset-QAM (16OQAM) subcarriers was demonstrated in a back-to-back configuration using a modified blind decision-directed equalization on each subcarrier [3]. In fact, the standard DSP algorithms for coherent optical communications cannot be used in MC-OQAM due to the half-symbol time delay.In this paper, we propose to use training sequences to estimate the communication channel and use a new algorithm to track the phase in MC-OQAM. We compare MC-OQAM with conventional MC-QAM modulations so as to assess the benefits of crosstalk mitigation via OQAM. The channels are modulated at an aggregate symbol rate of 32.5 GBd, to make 100 Gb/s net bit-rate using QPSK or Offset-QPSK (OQPSK) modulation on each subcarrier.