Inflammatory diseases of the female genital area are dominant among the total number of gynecological diseases. Among all the variety of medicinal plant materials used in official medicine, salvia medicinal draws attention to itself, which has repeatedly proved its effectiveness in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes of various origins. That is why the goal was set to develop a technology for obtaining a liquid extract from the leaves of Salvia officinalis L. As a result of the study, a method was developed for obtaining a liquid extract by selecting the optimal extraction conditions. It was found that the optimal raw material-extractant ratio is 1:50, the optimal concentration of the extractant ethyl alcohol is 70%, the infusion time of the extract is 24 hours. To intensify the extraction process, the method of ultrasonic processing of raw materials at the soaking stage was used. The optimal time for processing plant materials with ultrasound was 45 minutes. As a result of using this method to obtain a liquid extract from the leaves of sage officinalis, the yield of phenolic compounds was doubled in comparison with obtaining an extract without sonication of raw materials and amounted to 182.7 mg / g of flavonoids in terms of luteolin-7-glycoside.