Coronary CT angiography has emerged as reliable imaging tool for the diagnosis of coronary artery disease. Coronary CT angiography has the ability to demonstrate excellent visualization of anatomical changes in coronary artery with high diagnostic value in the detection of lumen stenosis or occlusion, and characterization of coronary plaque composition. Furthermore, coronary CT angiography offers prognostic value in the prediction of adverse cardiac events. Although coronary CT angiography is limited to the assessment of coronary anatomy and lumen changes, coronary CT angiography-derived computer modeling and hemodynamic analysis has the potential to evaluate functional significance of coronary artery disease. This review article aims to provide an overview of both diagnostic and prognostic value of coronary CT angiography in coronary artery disease. Limitations of coronary CT angiography are briefly discussed, while functional assessment of coronary artery disease with use of coronary CT angiography-generated coronary artery models is highlighted.