We use an interpretation of projective planes to show the inherent nondualisability of some finite semigroups. The method is sufficiently flexible to demonstrate the nondualisability of (asymptotically) almost all finite semigroups as well as to give a fresh proof of the Quackenbush-Szabó result that any finite group with a nonabelian Sylow subgroup is nondualisable. A novel feature is that the ostensibly different notions of nilpotence for semigroups, nilpotence for groups, and the property of being nonorthodox for a completely 0-simple semigroup are unified by way of a single construction. We also give a semigroup example of two dualisable finite semigroups whose direct product is inherently nondualisable.2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 08C20. Secondary: 20M07, 20M17.