This study aims to determine the relationship between self-adjustment, peer social support and student well-being in Students of the Vocational Shipping Faculty, Hang Tuah University. The research method used is quantitative. The analysis used is Pearson Correlation and multiple correlation. The sampling technique in this study is saturated sampling technique. Data collection was carried out with 3 (three) scales. Student well-being scale (α=0.967), self-adjustment scale (α=0.835) and peer social support scale (α=0.936) with 180 student respondents. The results showed that the hypothesis was accepted, which means that there is a relationship between self- adjustment and peer social support with student well-being in students of the Vocational Shipping Faculty, Hang Tuah University (sig 0.000 <0.05). There is a relationship between self-adjustment and student well-being (sig. 000 <0.05) with an effective contribution of 43.4%. There is a relationship between peer social support and student well-being (sig .000 <0.05) with an effective contribution of 42.3%.