We have studied vϭ0 and vϭ1 levels of the E 1 ⌸ state of CO in excitation from the ground state by one-and two-photon transitions, thus probing e and f ⌳-doublet components. New accidental predissociations were found in the E 1 ⌸, vϭ0 state for high J values ͑J e ϭ41, 44 for 12 C 16 O and J e ϭ41, 50 for 13 C 16 O͒. The predissociation phenomenon in the E 1 ⌸, vϭ1 state at Jϭ7 was reinvestigated and for both e and f components also Jϭ9, 10, and 12 were found to be perturbed. Perturbations by all three spin components of a k 3 ⌸, vϭ5 state were deduced. Furthermore the accidental predissociation in E 1 ⌸, vϭ0 J e ϭ31 was reinvestigated. Measurements of spectral line shifts were modeled assuming a spin-orbit coupling between E 1 ⌸ and the 3 ⌸ 1 component of the k 3 ⌸ state. Relative predissociation lifetimes of k 3 ⌸, vϭ3 and 5 with respect to E 1 ⌸, vϭ0 and vϭ1 are deduced from an analysis of observed intensity effects. For the E 1 ⌸, vϭ1 state rotational state dependent lifetimes were determined at low-J values. Line positions of CO lines were calibrated on an absolute frequency scale within 0.05 cm Ϫ1 against the tellurium and iodine standard in the visible. Accurate molecular constants for the E 1 ⌸, vϭ0 and vϭ1 states are determined for both 12 C 16 O and 13 C 16 O. The E 1 ⌸, vϭ1 state of 12 C 17 O is observed for the first time.