Abstract. There is a commutative algebra of differential-difference operators, acting on polynomials on ޒ 2 , associated with the reflection group B 2 . This paper presents an integral transform which intertwines this algebra, allowing one free parameter, with the algebra of partial derivatives. The method of proof depends on properties of a certain class of balanced terminating hypergeometric series of 4 F 3 -type. These properties are in the form of recurrence and contiguity relations and are proved herein.2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 33C80, 33C20; Secondary 33C70, 43A80.
Introduction.1.1. Overview. We construct an integral for the intertwining operator V associated to the reflection group of type B 2 (order 8) acting on ޒ 2 , with one parameter κ. For polynomials or adequately smooth functions in x = (x 1 , x 2 ) define the differential-difference operators:These operators are special cases of those defined by the author in [2]. Their key property is commutativity, T 1 T 2 = T 2 T 1 . We deal only with the restricted case κ 1 = κ 2 = κ. The intertwining operator V preserves the degree of homogeneous polynomials and satisfies V ( ∂ ∂x i f )(x) = T i Vf (x) for i = 1, 2, and V 1 = 1. The definition and existence of V for κ > 0 was shown in [3].The easy example for this operator is furnished by the ޚ 2 action (x −→ −x) on .ޒ