of the organic acids sf Brypbmyllurn calycir~esrn. Can. J.Biochem. 49,282-296 ($971 1.Major and minor acids present in dried leaf tissue of Bryophylhm calycir~esm were identified or characterized using the combined methods of ion exchange chromatography, paper and thin-layer chromatography, gas chromatography, and infrared spectroscopy. After esterification sf the acids in methanol containing H+ form cation exchange resin, their amounts were determined by gas chromatography. The acids identified and their approximate percentage amounts of the total acid content were: malic 32.5 0/,, citric 10.1 %, isocitric 46.5 "/,, suainic 1 .O %, fumaric 0.9 %, pyruvic 1.0 O/,, oxalacetic 0.4 0/,; of-ketoglutaric 0.5 "/,, glyoxylic 0.1 %, lactic 0.2 %, oxalic 0.2 %, and cis-aconitic f .6 %. Tentative characteristics were proposed for previously undetermined acids present mainly in amounts from 0.05 "/, to 0.6 %. These were apparently mono-, di-, and tricarboxylic acids containing from thee to seven carbons in the carbon chain. Most of these evidently had additional functional groups, including methyl, keto, and hydroxyl groups. The boiling points of the methyl esters sf these acids ranged from 140" to 308". MARRIAGE, P. B., ET WILSON, D. G. Analysis of the organic acids of Bryoghylkwn cakyciraetrn. Can. J. Biochem. 49,282-296 (1971).Les acides majeurs et mineurs presents dans le tissu de feuilles skchees de BryophydIurn calycinurn ont $tC identifibs ou caractCrisCs par chromatographie d'dchange d'ion, chromatographie sur papier et en couche mince, chromatographie en phase gazeuse, et spectroscopie infrarouge-La dktermination quantitative de ces acides par chromatographie en phase gazeuse a Ct C effectuee apr6s leur est6rification dans le mkthanol contenant une rCsine khangeuse de cation sous forme H+. Les acides identifib ainsi que leur teneur approximative exprimee en pourcentage par rapport au contenu total en acides sont: malique 32.5 %, citrique 10.1 0/,, isocitrique 46.5 "/,, succinique 1.0 0/,, fumarique 0.9 %, pyruvique 1.0 %, csxaloacBtique 0.4 O/,, or-cdtog8utarique 0.5 %, glyoxylique 8.1 %, lactique 0.2 %, oxalique 0.2 %, et cisaconitique 1.4 "/,. On a tent6 de caracteriser des acides auparavant non dosCs presents surtout en quantitks allant de 0.05 % Zi 0.6 %. HI s'agit apparemment d'acides mono-, di-, et tricarboxyliques dont la chaine de carbone comprend de trois & sept carbones. La plupart de ces acides ont, de toute kvidence, des groupes fowctionnels additionnels tels que les groupes mkthyle, cCts, et hydroxyle. Les points d'dbullition des esters methyliques de ces acides vont de 140" A 388".