Abstract. In this note we consider the right unit-duo ring property on the powers of elements, and introduce the concept of weakly right unitduo ring. We investigate first the properties of weakly right unit-duo rings which are useful to the study of related studies. We observe next various kinds of relations and examples of weakly right unit-duo rings which do roles in ring theory.
Basic structure of weakly right unit-duo ringsThroughout this paper all rings are associative with identity unless otherwise stated. Let R be a ring and a ∈ R. We use U (R) to denote the group of all units in R., and N (R) denote the Jacobson radical, the set of all nonzero nonunits, the set of all idempotents, and the set of all nilpotent elements in R, respectively. |S| denotes the cardinality of a subset S of R. The polynomial (power series) ring, with an indetermainate x over R, is written by. Z (Z n ) denotes the ring of integers (modulo n), and Q denotes the field of rational numbers. Denote the n by n full (resp., upper triangular) matrix ring over R by Mat n (R) (resp., U n (R)), and use E ij for the matrix with (i, j)-entry 1 and elsewhere zeros. Following the literature, we write D n (R) = {(a ij ) ∈ U n (R) | a 11 = · · · = a nn } and R * = R\{0}. We use ⊕ to denote the direct sum, and Q 8 denotes the quaternion group. Due to Feller [11], a ring is called right (resp. left) duo if every right (resp. left) ideal is an ideal; a ring is called duo if it is both right and left duo. We see various kinds of useful results for duo rings in [6,21,26]