Six patients were operated on for an aortoduodenal fistula at the Department of General and Abdominal Surgery, Johannes-Gutenberg-University Mainz. All patients had received an aortic graft implant between 1 and 10 years ago. The etiology, symptoms, and diagnostic and surgical treatment of these six cases are presented, and the results are discussed in comparison with the results of other studies. The main symptom of all of our patients was gastrointestinal bleeding. In our patients arteriography and computed tomography were the best diagnostic procedures. At surgery, five patients underwent graft excision and axillobifemoral bypass (only four patients, as one died before implantation). In the other patient a local repair, with closure of the graft defect and bowel defect, followed by interposition of an omental pedicle, was performed. Two patients died within 6 days of operation due to multiple organ failure.