Together with Andrea Giannuzzo, I owe thanks to his supervisor, Prof. Dr. Ivana Novak, for hosting me during my secondment in Copenhagen and for the nice collaboration that we have established.Then, a big thanks goes to all my friends I have met along the last 4 years here in Göttingen. My flatmates, Eva and Marco, the PizzaPasta group, with whom I shared some of the best moments ever here in Göttingen, and the MonsterParty Group. Among them, a big thanks goes to Giulia Poggi, semplicemente perchè sei come sei! But moreover and most importantly, I want to thank the 3 most important person I have in my live, who have encourage and support me every single day (thanks skype!) during the entire course of my PhD: Un grazie infinito ai miei genitori e a mia sorella Giulia, che OGNI SINGOLO GIORNO di questo dottorato mi hanno spronato ad andare avanti fino ad ottenere un simile risultato.Un sincero grazie va anche alle mie zie Luciana e Mara per avermi fatto sempre sentire la loro vicinanza e il loro supporto. And finally, the biggest "thank you" and gratitude goes to my 'better half', who has supported me along this last 4 years, being constantly at my side and always there in case of need, despite we liveD so far from each other. Ti dedico questo traguardo, Paolo.